Robert Cassard
Video Growth Hacker
Use strategic content to grow your business fast.
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6 ways to make your social and video content relevant
If your content is still telling people how great your company is and how unique your products are, no one is likely to care. You will waste a lot of time and money on content no one reads and videos no one watches.
6 ways to be more relevant:
1) Be helpful—answer important questions and provide valuable information
2) Be honest—people smell sales-speak a mile away and stop listening and caring
3) Be smart—intelligent content attracts intelligent customers
4) Be yourself—real people should be the voice of any business
5) Be funny—a little humor is disarming; let people know you’re not afraid to have fun
6) Be consistent—it shows you’re dependable and worthy of trust and loyalty

Together, we'll tell a brand story that people remember
Your company has unique qualities, but it rarely works to come right out and say “we’re all this and we’re all that." Our challenge is to uncover your brand's inherent story, the set of experiences and unique expertise that’s really worth sharing. We'll dig deep and ask ourselves:
What are we hoping to accomplish with our content?
The answer will be your video ontent Mission. How video will change your business for the better.
What categories of information do we know and what can we share that is essential to our prospects and customers?
The answer will be your content Roadmap. All the content and videos you’ll eventually produce and how they enhance the customer life-cycle.
What processes and staff do we need to create and deploy meaningful and relevant video content?
The answer will be your content Creation Process. What will you handle in-house and when will you bring in outside professionals.
What tools and channels will we use to reach and grow our audience with digital and video content?
The answer will be your video Distribution & Automation Toolset. There are some excellent tools available, but they vary widely in price and how much effort and staff time they require.
How will we measure success and determine the value of future investment in video and other content?
The answer will be your content Results. What are the metrics that matter to YOU? For most companies, the total number of views usually matters a lot less than who’s watching and how engaged they are.
Answer these essential questions before pulling out a camera and you’re already on the way to Video Growth Hacking.